Thursday 4 May 2017

Outside the Box Project Beta Work - Project Beta Produced Models, UV Shells and Textures

Every model within Outside the Box was modelled and UV unwrapped by me, however only some of the in-game models were textured by me. All of the Main Menu models however were textured by me.

If I have have included the UV Shell with the Image of the Model, that is to show which models I have Modelled this term as opposed to last term. Those Images of Models with the UV Shells accompanied by just the Texture are to show off the Textures I created for those Models, but the Models themselves were created last term for Project Alpha.

For example, I modelled and UV unwrapped Cannon 02 and 03 this term, for Project Beta, not last term in Project Alpha, as I have included their UV Shells.

Cannon 02 Model

Cannon 02 Model

Cannon 03 Model

Cannon 03 Model

Level 03 Barrel UV Shell

Level 03 Scope UV Shell

Level 02 & 03 Wall UV Shell

Toxic Defence Model

Toxic Defence UV Shell
With the Magic Defences I textured the Base's and Chess textured the Jewel's

Magic Defence 01 Model

Magic Defence 02 Model

Magic Defence 03 Model
Magic Defence 01 Base UV Shell

Magic Defence 02 Base UV Shell

Magic Defence 03 Base UV Shell

Magic Defence 01 Jewel UV Shell

Magic Defence 02 Jewel UV Shell

Magic Defence 03 Jewel UV Shell

Jewel Rope UV Shell
The Jewel Rope UV Shell was made, as the Jewel was originally intended to be a toilet light switch floating above the Defence, but that was changed so that just the handle of the light switch hovered above the defence; apart from Magic Defence 01, which used the ball of the Pawn model as the jewel.

Magic Defence 01 Texture

Magic Defence 02 Texture

Magic Defence 03 Texture
The textures for Magic Defences are similar as they are meant to be genuine Chess pieces, so as part of a set, they would be made of the same/similar wood. However there is slight variation between them.

Updated BubbleWrap Model
Bubble UV Shell

Half Bubble UV Shell
Build Spot Border Model
The Build Spot Border Model was built by extruding the external faces of the base Build Spot Model to get an exact outline, then separating the extruded faces and making it a whole model.

I didn't UV unwrap this model as it was intended to replace a UI piece that would appear when the player moused over the Build Spot, as I believed it would be easier to simply make this model appear around the build spot than code a UI piece to appear as feedback to make it easier to see which build spot the Player was trying to select. Instead I simply gave it a basic, white material in Unity as that stood out against our colourful environment.

Lego Tile Model
For a time I considered replacing the BubbleWrap Defence with a Lego tile, however I preferred the aesthetic of the BubbleWrap model with it's curvy bubbles as opposed to the Lego Tile's flat, uninteresting surface.

The Hunter Model

The Hunter UV Shell

The Hunter Texture

The Grunt Model

The Grunt UV Shell

The Grunt Texture
For both The Hunter and Grunt, whilst I didn't create the image of the actual characters (the sketchy/painted humanoid figures) I am the one who pieced together the textures in Photoshop and applied them to the models in both Maya and Unity.

Damaged The Hunter 01 Model

Damaged The Hunter 01 Model

Damaged The Hunter 01 UV Shell

Damaged The Hunter 01 Texture

I modelled both The Grunt and Hunter using the Quad Draw tool in Maya, to draw the Quad faces of the 3D model around the reference image, the images that would later be used for their textures.

BottleCap Coin Model 

BottleCap Coin Model 
BottleCap Coin UV Shell

Wardrobe Model

Wardrobe Base UV Shell

Wardrobe Base Texture

Bedroom/Wardrobe Door Model
I reused this Door model for the Wardrobe, but gave it a different texture to differentiate the models. This was for time's sake and because this is a perfectly functional Door model, and a half decent one.

Bedroom/Wardrobe Door UV Shell

Bedroom Door Texture

Wardrobe Door Texture
Wall Skirting Model
I didn't texture, and therefore, UV unwrap the Wall Skirting Model as I only made the model to make the room feel more authentic, and in contrast to the rest of the scene/models, it's basic grey material I felt was enough to distinguish it as it's own model in the scene and also present it as an authentic piece of wall skirting.

Bed Model

Bed Base UV Shell

Bed Frame UV Shell

Bed Pillow UV Shell

Bed Base Texture

Bed Frame Texture

Bed Pillow Texture
Table Model

Table UV Shell

Table Texture

Textured Lamp Model

Lamp Light Texture

Lamp Base Texture

Textured Couch Model

Couch Armrest Texture

Couch Base Texture

Couch Cushion Texture

Textured Chair Model

Chair Texture

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