Thursday 4 May 2017

Outside the Box Project Alpha Work - Player Base Modelling

Following from the concept art and general consensus of the design of the player base I began to piece together the design in Maya.
Bellow are the result of the 3 ranks of the player base being modelled. Each was meant to get progressively bigger to emphasise the power of the player and to create a positive feedback to upgrading the base, as each are noticeably improved from the previous.

(Level 01/Base Level)
(Level 02)
(Level 03)

After the base in its entirety was built, we tested it's appearance in Unity as I had doubts as to the noticeable change from level 02 to 03, which at the time was just a draw bridge, the idea being that a moat would be built at the third rank.
After confirming my suspicions I decided to add the spikes from the level 03 Tower I had built prior to the base to the front of the base. This addition alongside the planned moat and drawbridge, we felt, would improve the change from level 02 to 03.

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