Thursday, 4 May 2017

Outside the Box Project Beta Work - Mercenary Camp Defence Behaviour

We had planned to create a defence type that would be Mercenaries within the context of the game's lore but, would be a defence you "bribe" for a time and then it would disappear. Chess even created the UI for the Defence Selection Menu for the Mercenary Defence.

The way I planned to do this was through a Coroutine, one that would check if the Mercenary Defence had been built and that once it had been built it would run a count down of, let's say, 20 seconds.
After which the Mercenary Defence would be destroyed and then the collider of the build spot would be reactivated to allow the player to build again in that spot.

To balance the Mercenary Defence with the other Defence options available to the Player, I had proposed that the Mercenaries would shoot 3 projectiles slowly, each projectile doing 1 point of health damage to the enemies. However, due to time constraints, this was not implemented. Though it still could for future development.

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