Tuesday 9 December 2014

Tables and Chairs Maya Tutorials Session 3 H/w

For this weeks assignment we were tasked with following a tutorial on Maya on how to build tables and chairs, the assignment itself however was more of a training session to learn to build things to scale and to build with scale measurements.

This chair is built as a kitchen chair in mind. It's full height was set to a total of 36 inches since that is about half the height of the average human being (the average being 72 inches). The legs are simple poly cubes each set to a height of 17 inches (apart from the back 2 which are set to 36 inches to be able to make the back rest) and with each one half the vertex's were selected on the base of the cubes, with them selected I used the move tool to create a slight diagonal bend at the base of the legs. With the back legs I created a backward curve using a non linear bend. The seat was made using a poly cube, and to create the indentation for the seat to be comfy I added some edges using the InsertEdgeLoopTool and selected the edges in the correct position on the seat, from there I sued the move tool and simply pulled them down to create the curve and I smoothed the edges to make it look like a curve.
I also used the align tool heavily throughout these creations to place the objects in alignment with each other.

This chair was built with almost the same techniques and dimensions as the previous one, with the back leg being 36 inches high, although for this chair that back leg is just one single poly cylinder that was deformed using the non linear bend tool to create the curvature of the back rest and the curvature at the base of the legs.

These tables where built at a similar height to the chairs but where made with a little extra height making the total height about 50 inches. The support for the tables where simple in that they were simply made of poly cubes, with the legs having a slight angle to them to provide a larger surface area to support the table tops. To make the table top for the square picnic table I created a poly cube with a length of 72 inches and width of 6 and a height of 2 inches, then I used the mirror geometry tool and attached it to the original object and repeated this 5 times.
The other table top was made with a simple poly cylinder with a radius of 33 inches and a thickness/height of 5 inches.

We also needed to start texturing our tables, so to aim I found 2 wood texture images online with a minimum resolution of 1080*720. I then added a new material > Blinn to all of the polygons used in the scene, attached the file to the Blinn and opened the UV texture editor. I then played around with the texturs in the editor to make the textures look more uniform and scaled to the tables size as well as scaled within themselves as textures have a tendency to be stretched out or even shrunk down so multiple repetitions appear along the objects surface.

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