Tuesday 9 December 2014

Maya Session 4: Hi detail, Low Poly Turret

This session we were adding detail to our Turret model using a technique new to us know as "Make Live"

By making the model Live it meant that any polygons we then decided to make on or near the polygon which had been made live would be attached to the model itself, saving us the hassle of transforming the newly created object onto the polygon base's surface. These images show my result of the 3 hour session we had. I liked it, however the design choice of the satellite dish, whilst unique is not practical as the barrels can no longer rotate 360 degrees. What I did like however was my inclusion of a computer terminal (inspired by the video game Fallout) inside the front inlet of the turret as a means to access the device and my inclusion of electric pylons on the right side of the turret adding a steampunk feel to this machine.

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