Thursday 26 March 2015

Term 2: Maya Session 5: T-rex Modelling Part 2

I found that the model I made in last week's session wasn't the best quality model so to continue with the session I used the model Robin provided to us. This week we were continuing to build the t-rex model using the box method but with the head and body done we moved onto the arms and legs

We started by deleting the faces around the thigh and extruding the edges, using the scale tool to produce the correct mesh geometry of the thigh, this is for animating purposes as the correct geometry allows the model to be deformed without issue, although that is not something we are going to be taught thus far, this exercise is for the modelling and later on UV texture editing only.

The arms we created in the same way as the legs, starting out by deleting the faces where the arm would be and extruding the edges.

This is my finished model of the t-rex, I like how it turned out and I managed to do it with relatively few tris created.

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