Wednesday 4 March 2015

Term 2: Life Drawing

This is going to be a long post as I continue to update it with my life drawing session sketches which will include what I feel to be the best and some that aren't so good.

I like this one, some of the proportions are a bit off such as the breasts and arms but I like how the rest of it came out, I particularly enjoyed the outline shading which after a second look appears as though the model in cupped in some sort of cloth.

Someone in the session complimented me on this, stating it was similar to an illustration artists piece. I personally needed more time to work on this but I do like the marks I made for the arm and leg hairs.

I like this one very much, I like the "radiance" of black from the outlines, the left leg thigh is a bit out of proportion but as a whole this one is one of my favourites.

The 2 images above showcase sketches I made when we had 1 minute to draw each moving from one to the other without pause. Some came out well others didn't but I feel as though I did well in the situation as I have never tested my self like this before, i might have to do it more often.

This is one of my favourites, the proportions are pretty much in tune with one another, I've added floor shadows to add depth to the sketch, but something that could be improved upon is the shading but I also think I was in a rush at that point.

It was interesting to play around with colour but at the moment colour is not a medium I am used to, colour in Photoshop I seem to be ok with but with pen/pencil I have a long way to go.

Tessa believes this to be one of the best sketches I have done to date and I would agree with her, The shading is there, the shadow adds some depth, the proportions are good (I don't see much wrong with those) and I've included separate media also with the use of a red pen.

This is my personal favourite sketch so far in these life drawing sessions. The breasts I feel might be a little too big/rounded but other than that I like the shading I managed to achieve by focusing on the lighter parts of the figure and the body seems to be in proportion, the only issue is the lack of a head and that is for two reasons, 1st I feel as though adding the head would have ruined the sketch (as seen in my track record) and lastly I ran out of time.

This a series of 1 minute drawings we did during the session, I'm getting better at describing the form  in short periods of time but it's difficult to get a hang of.

This is one of my personal favourite sketches out of all my sketches. I love it, there are some areas to improve on, obviously I didn't have enough to finish the whole model and the neck seems a little thin but other than that I like how this came out.

I have been really enjoying sketching in this style and I feel as though I am getting the hang of it.

This sketch was made during a session about Foreshortening, considering I hate foreshortening because I struggle with sketching it, I feel as though this cam rout really well, Tessa also approved of this sketch. It's a shame I didn't have enough time to finish the sketch.

I also like this foreshortening sketch but some of the proportions I feel are just slightly off.

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