Tuesday 18 November 2014

Robin Ledger Maya Session 6

Today (17th November) we have started on creating hierarchy's. By selecting the correct object, such as the turret base, and moving it with the middle mouse button onto the base itself along the list on the left hand side of the image we create a hierarchy. This is when selecting the whole base you can manipulate both the base and turret base, but the turret base can now be manipulated interdependently.

Once all the polygons have been placed in their hierarchy's we went through every one and constricted the transforms - transforms are the act of moving a polygon. Whilst going through the constrictions we selectively unlocked key transforms so that the turret can be moved as it needs to I.e. unlocking the Y axis so that the turret base may rotate.

Onto the animation side of Maya, we began using key frames. Key frames normally come in pairs, the first key frame has an object in one position and and second is in another. Once set the computer fills in the gap between the positions creating a movement or animation.
We played around with this and I created an animation for my turret to appear as though it is tracking an object and is firing every 10 frames with a recoil in 5 frames - Barrel is extended at frame 5 and is retracted for recoil in frame 10 and so on.

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