Monday 3 November 2014

Halloween Horror Session 5 H/w Project Steve Brown Session 5

For this week, being that it is Halloween, we were tasked with designing a creature to fit the festivities. My mood board for a creature to design came from various sources including Attack on Titan (referred to later as AoT), Dragonball Z and Toy Story.

 My preliminary sketch was centred around Toy Story, as I remembered as a child watching that film and how creepy all the self-repaired toys were in the bullies bedroom.

After my first sketch I moved on to my next one which had a basis in Harry Potter with the dark mark but also influenced by SCP Containment breach in which one SCP is constantly covered in shadows and can pass through any object, his appearance is virtually unknown and I wanted this snake like creature to be like that except I sketched him out to be viewed.

Next I decided to make a more subtle scary creature with influences from the animatronics in the video game Five nights at Freddy's within which the animatronics themselves are not scary but incredibly unnerving as they juxtapose themselves in looking friendly but have the sole intention to murder you. So with this I made it based on a young boy who's eyes have sunken into they sockets, are blood shot and rotting, whilst their jaw is open unnaturally wide screaming some inherent spine tingling screech.

These 2 pages of sketching were in fact happy accidents. on the left page I began designing teeth for development which turned into a full jaw which I was pleased with. I decided then to add some detail to it with the subtle nose above and then finishing with the eye that blinks in a vertical fashion and has the iris of a lizard (it being vertical and oval in shape as opposed to circular and centred). Below that image I began playing with shapes, which in the end didn't turn out quite as good however I managed to create an interesting creature and one that with some tweaking could become a subtle horror.
The page on the right is by far my favourite sketch I did for this project and in the end became my final piece (re-made after in Photoshop) I was trying to design a creature with influences from AoT, SCP Containment Breach and the Mummy. Really it became an amalgamation of all 3 with the exposed muscle and skull taking influence from both AoT and the Mummy, the shape and expression of the face taking influence from SCP-096 (one that is pale white, has exaggerated proportions and similar facial features as to what I drew).

My final piece is a re-drawn painted picture made entirely in Photoshop. I previously explained the why of his appearance so here I'll explain the colour scheme. when drawing him I used my pen to mark out many thin fine lines on the muscles, these are known as striations, I did this so that when it came to painting they would appear on the body prominently and they would support the red base colour of the muscle as well as the light pink I added for detail. 
For the bones I tried to make them appear stained, as if he had skin and blood beneath said skin before (he may have, we don't know) which would add colour to the bone instead of making them look bleached, I also think the colours I chose add a weathered appearance to the bone as they have been exposed to the elements.

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