Saturday 18 October 2014

Robot H/w Project Steve Brown Session 1

For the Robot H/w we were assigned I began by brainstorming ideas/influences for my robot. In the end my main inspirations came from WALL-E, the Halo series and X-Men: Days of Future Past, specifically my inspiration was taken from WALL-E himself, 343 Guilty Spark (a monitor of the Halo installations) and the Sentinels. The initial sketches started by the design of the head which was influenced greatly by Guilty Spark.

I then proceeded to create a body for my Robot that would fit the head I had designed with the idea (following on from the design influence) that the body is segmented into parts and that those parts all float separate from one another. I also had the idea that the head extends and retracts, in it's extended mode it can have a full 360 degree view of it's environment but when it is retracted it can focus on greater detail on what is directly in front of my him.

With this sketch I decided to try and update the design of the Robot instead of the use of coils for arms I changed them to Nanobots (influenced by the Sentinels) for 2 reasons. 1st I wanted to add some organic shapes to the design as he was getting a bit clunky and 2nd again with a more natural approach most machines are depicted as cold and unnatural but I liked the idea of a combination, sort of like the idea of symbiosis the Nanobots and my Robot assist one another.

The sketches on this page were simply tests. I had added these Nanobots to add a more organic feel but the body was rather plain, so I attempted to add depth to the shell, but in playing around I had an epiphany with the cross shaped ball on the right.

With it I came up with a background to my Robot. He was the last Robot built by a mechanic in a workshop but left incomplete, he had no duties for him to complete as he was  not programmed with that knowledge, dazed, confused and curious he sets out to discover the world around him. With this idea in mind I designed his core to be exposed, since the mechanic did not complete him, this also makes him inherently docile and cautious.

Following on from the last sketches I decided to update my Robots mobility situation from a steam powered hover system to all terrain track tyres. I also added an antennae system on top of my Robot's head as before there was no clear communication system implemented into the design.

With the design updated numerous times I decided to finish up the design and add colour, using light shading with my pencil grey I added a blue finish mixed with this grey to add a metallic blue effect. For the core I decided that with the wiring and the material of the metal itself there would be a greater range of colour on the inside than the outside so I aded a Copper Brown to the wiring with 2 gold bars surrounding the core and the core itself having an Orange - Red colour to portray heated up metal. As for the eye socket i decided on a luminescent blue colour with a deep dark blue for the sensor itself. For the tyres I added a typical grey colour but for the joints connecting the tyres to the body I decided on a Brown to portray that the joints come from the inside of the Robot similar to the coloration of the inside of the body as opposed to the outside.
I named my Robot P.R.A.T (Practical Robot Adequate Technician) 

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