We were given the task to draw and paint both a character model and an environment piece, in perspective, within a time limit of an hour each. Both for the sake of practise and to help guide our decision as to which pathway into our 2D project we would take; Character art or Environment art.
I had yet to get a feel for drawing human models in Photoshop and so I tried multiple times to get the shape of the body correct but failed. I can see where I went wrong: The legs were either too short or too long, depending on which image you look at, the head was either way too large or too small and the torso was consistently too short.
This was frustrating as I struggle to work in exact perspective lines within Photoshop, however I feel strongly that I can draw a human figure much better with traditional pencil and paper, the frustration came as I couldn't translate that to my graphics tablet.
I was quite pleased with this environment piece, as I had not had too much practise with environments within Photoshop before this.
The overall quality of this paint over the character model and because I had a strong idea for an environment piece led me to decide on going down the Environment set pathway of the project brief.